Kamila Brown Washington

CEO & Visionary

As the Founder & CEO of the LevelUP Team, Kamila is building an organization supporting the next profitable Founders & CEOs – YOU! Nonprofit Founder • Business Coach • Forbes Coach Council Member • College Professor • Board of Director Consultant

Lucy Ra'oof

Logistics Officer, The CEO Circle™️ and Quarterly Strategy Meetings

As an industry leader in entertainment, Lucy oversees the production and logistics of  our Quarterly Team Strategy MeetingsThe CEO Circle™️ Leadership Retreat.

Nancelyn Hayes

Program Assistant

Nan knows operations and systems. She keeps Kamila our the team working smarter, not harder, – and organized!

Jenn Webb

Director, Creative Team

Jenn makes sure our brand is represented in the polished and professional style that reflects our quality of service, values, and aligned commitment to our clients.

Ethan Ralphs

Marketing Manager

Ethan is an important addition to our marketing and social media production team. As a former Facebook employee, his social media skills are leveling up our brand with audience engagement.

Evangeline 'Ghie' Cruz

Client Support Specialist

Ghie is full of energy to support you on your journey to LevelUp the business of your organization. Working closely with the team getting clients on track. 

Cameron Woods

Social Media Video Designer

Cameron has been a breath of fresh air. His natural gift with editing and visual presentation has allow our brand on social media. We enjoy having his "finger on the pulse" of what's trending.

Renée Hunter

Director, Finance

Renée keeps our books in order and makes sure we are operating with high profit margins. She engages with clients in making sure they honor their agreement to follow through on all payment plans.


Morgan Edwards

Officer, Tech & Integration

Morgan is our technical "everything." She identifies and performs all integrated processes to make our systems and automations work seamlessly as we scale. Capturing data & metrics are the key to her success.

Mickala Williams

Manager, Grants & Sponsorships

Mickala is the ultimate researcher in identifying funding opportunity and sponsored support. We are so grateful for her network of resources and relationships.

Karla Strickland

Event Support

She is the right-hand to our Logistics Officer in strategizing the details. Karla's hospitality and love of service is evident in her creativity and willingness to accommodate our Registrants.

Rebecca "Taffy" Burse

Event Support

Taffy is essential in sharing her gift of creativity and visual presentation design with her personal touches as we design our in-person professional development training sessions.