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Kamila Brown Washington, business leader, entrepreneur whisper, speaker and college professor is the Founder of Kamileon Professional Development, Inc. Kamila served on Forbes Magazine's Coaches Council,  an invitation-only organization where thought leaders, top executives, and entrepreneurs share subject expertise on FORBES.com. 

With a global presence in Brazil, Kenya, Chile, Honduras and Haiti, Kamila and her team establish social enterprises with her entrepreneurship and micro finance programs which provides livable wages and income for local villagers.  Domestically, her organization helped job-seekers through personalized career and image coaching. More than 4,000 men and women have found meaningful work and financial stability through her community initiatives.

Since 2019, Kamila and her team help CEO's/Coaches/Consultants build 6 to 7-figure businesses. Her passion for helping businesses grow in a way that is both profitable and scalable is only matched by the scores of endorsements and testimonials from her clients. 

Kamila has built and developed an exemplary professional career. From overseeing nearly 10 staff and 80+ volunteers for her nonprofit organization to boosting revenue over $4M, she has taken on challenging roles across the industry and worked tirelessly to produce exceptional results.

An award-winning Strategic Executive Coach, Kamila has helped and created customized playbooks for organizations like the Starbucks Foundation, United Way, AARP Foundation, George Floyd Memorial Foundation, and Goodwill expand their community initiatives.  

Her knowledge and expertise is shared regularly with her network of CEO's, entrepreneurs, founders and service-providers through her coaching programs: 

  • The Profitable Blueprint™️ a 6-month group coaching experience for CEO/Coaches/Consultants who want to build a six-figure business by monetizing their expertise + building their brand. Learn More
  • The Million Dollar CEO™️ a high-level 1:1 Executive Coaching & Mastermind program designed to train CEO/Coaches/Consultants to scale confidently by building infrastructures to reach and sustain up to $1M+ annual revenue.
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  • The CEO Circle™️ a 3-day in-person executive retreat in Atlanta, GA where we address the 5-pillars of a profitable & sustainable business in order for you to S.C.A.L.E. and map out strategic systems to elevate your business. This is your community–your safe place–so ask the hard questions and take the big risks knowing shared wisdom conquers every challenge. Learn More

A sought-after speaker, Kamila has delivered Keynote and Coaching Facilitation for a diverse range of groups. Numerous organizations have formally recognized Kamila’s community and professional contributions, including Forbes Magazine (Coaches Council), United Way (Award for Community Initiative & Innovation), Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Roswell/Marietta Alumnae Chapter (Torch Award in Community Leadership) and YWCA (Women in Leadership Award).

She is an avid traveler, donates her time regularly to a number of worthy causes and currently resides in Atlanta with her family. 

For more information, bookings or partnerships contact Lucy Ra'oof, Business Manager, [email protected].

Business Coaching

I’m formally as a brand strategist and business coach, but simply put, I help service experts and entrepreneurs build high-end coaching and consulting businesses through my 2-tire programs Kreate a Profitable Blueprint & Million Dollar CEO.

My clients come to me to get support with:

  • Clarifying their message so they can articulate their value
  • Packaging and pricing their skills into a high-end service
  • Positioning their expertise online through content creation
  • Attracting high-end clients who are pre-sold to work with them
  • Growing their business to 6-7 figures through profitable launch strategies
  • Scaling their business beyond six figures through systems and hiring

Within the last 15 years in the branding space, I’ve supported thousands of clients and customers through different business models; from agency to digital products, online courses, coaching programs, and live events.

Learn More About Generating Revenue

Global Impact

Globally, we establish social enterprises with entrepreneurship and micro finance programs with the goal of providing livable wages and income for local villagers. Additionally, providing resources to children programs.

Learn More About Our Global Programs


We help Entrepreneurs build a Six-Figure business by monetizing their expertise, developing leadership skills and building their brand.  Together with her Team, she guides business-minded Entrepreneurs to change their influence and catapult their growth. 

She understands the struggle and growing pains her audience experiences as they scale their business models to create predictable and profitable revenue which allows them to focus their energy on creating impact in their communities and the world.

Review My Coaching Programs


Kamila is changing the world in meaningful ways and engaging others to join her efforts. She creates evolutionary and even revolutionary advancements in their fields not just by urging others to be open to new ways of thinking, but when she created The Profitable  BluePrint™ď¸Ź for business leaders to follow – she provides a method, process, guidelines and a set of best practices.

As a Thought Leader who codifies the steps necessary to follow in her footsteps, she and her Team has built a platform to assure that others will align with and build on their success. This guarantees that they are not confined to making small tweaks around the edges, but instead create a foundation for others to build on or a movement for others to join.

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Take the First Step!

I’ve helped over 4,000+ CEO's (like you) learn to put strategic systems and processes in place to become a profitable business. My proven 4-step framework, The Profitable BluePrint™️, is structured to help you Plan, Position, Package, & Profit.


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Two Step

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